Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Having been placed in Facebook Jail for who knows how long for saying someone was clueless( my reply to the action was to say "well I suppose I could have are devoid of facts and if you can't understand that it is not bullying them perhaps you are devoid of the factual meaning of clueless" 

So given all that I have decided to take up "pen" so to speak and write about the goings on of today.

In April I posted  a blog titled "The Silent Coup"  ( in which I outlined what the so call Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller was charged with doing and stated very clearly that the so called investigation by the Left was nothing more than an attempted coup of a duly elected President.  

It is now July of 2019 and after the report was submitted by Robert Mueller the Left was not satisfied with the results and insisted that Mr. Mueller testify before their  House committee in order... they hoped.. to find some sliver of evidence or conjecture  on which to hang the  impeachment hat on since all else has failed.  

As of 1700 hours, Wednesday, July 24, 2019 the Left has once again failed.  Mr. Mueller was a disaster for the Leftist even though he answered their questions very quickly and usually with Yes or No answers.  However, it was a totally different story when questioned by the Republicans on the Committee.  He stumbled...murmured.. asked for the question to be repeated over and over again, giving the appearance of a man who was either ill, drugged, or totally oblivious of what the report contained. 

It is my opinion.. based on presenting questions to certain elements of society who were to face trial and were either trying to play games and scam the system or were scared or were truly incompetent to stand trial.. that Mr Mueller is /was a combination of two elements stated:  One he is/was scared ...meaning that if he told the truth..the whole truth and nothing but the truth his life would in serious jeporady.  Second:  he is incompetent.  It is my opinion that Mr Mueller did not write one single word of the report and certainly not volume two.  In questioning by Republican lawmakers he did not appear to know what he had supposedly written. Mueller avoided or dodged questions about who wrote certain documents, including the infamous letter to Willam Barr, appearing uncomfortable when asked about why the massive leak happened to leak in a supposedly leak proof ship that he captained for so long.  The Republican committee members attempted and did make a strong case that Mr Mueller and his highly partisan team ignored significant components of the examination of foreign interference in the 2016 presidential election which certainly cast doubts on whether Mr Mueller was truly in charge of the investigation in any appreciable manner.  All Mr. Mueller did, which is unfortunate for the Left ,was to contribute to those doubts . Some say... and I agree.. that it is time to end this coup in disguise of impeachment and actually do some work after nearly three years and $30+ million wasted dollars but I have no doubt that we have  heard the end of the Lefts screams for President Trumps scalp. 

One writer,on a friends page had this to say about the debacle:  

"The Democrat plan - take a pre-hearing poll showing most Dems oppose impeachment.  Have hearing, have media selectively play carefully edited clips, revote and say they have no choice but to impeach." 

Stay tuned and stock up on popcorn because the next couple of weeks are going to be very interesting with the reports being released by the AG and the Left knowing that they have basically just re-elected President Trump to a second term.  Leftist heads will be exploding on both counts.  

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