"The chief function of propaganda is to convince the masses, whose slowness of understanding needs to be given time so they may absorb information; and only constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea on their mind." “Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf (1925)
I have written often how this administration is very close to a mirror image of the rise to power of Hitler in the 1930’s and have made no apology for such comparisons and make none now. Those who do not know and understand history have no history and will have no history in which they are remembered. Here are just a few more of the comparisons. You read, you decide!
1. Hitler came to power in 1933 on a plurality vote of 43.9% which gave the Nazis the majority of seats in the German Parliament. Through the use of various contrived crises, Hitler managed to consolidate his power by seizing control of the German mainstream media.
Sound vaguely familiar with the exception the current administration gained a slightly larger margin of the vote thanks to groups like ACORN and other assorted thugs at work at the polls and in the community. The many contrived crisis that have been invented by this administration exceeds even those put together under Roosevelt and Johnson. Of course Carter had a few “so called crisis” during his time in which he put the whole eight of the Federal Government to work to solve the crisis. Anyone remember gas lines?
2.All means of communication were monopolized by the government. The media and movies had to show pictures glorifying the Nazi movement and its illustrious leader. The Ministry of Propaganda, Josef Goebbels, had two main tasks.
- First, to censor anything that might be viewed as harmful to the Nazi Party or its agenda and eliminate the visible opposition.
- Secondly, to ensure that the Party’s agenda was presented in the most seductive and attractive way possible.
This certainly fits right in with the second task now doesn’t it?
Anita Dunn, White House Communications Director, whose favorite philosopher is Mao, the Chinese-Communist butcher, audaciously targeted Fox News on national television. She slandered the channel's coverage of the presidential campaign, declared it a "wing of the Republican Party," and openly admitted the reason it was dissed by the President last month was its tenacious insistence on reporting stories unflattering to Obama.
When else in history has the media been in the tank with anyone as deep as they are with Obama? When else has an administration attempted to silence all opposition in the media as this administration has done? Even Nixon with his enemies list was a light weight compared to Obama and his gang of thugs.
According to the Huffington Post, "The White House's communications staff announced this week (referring to Oct 5-9) that it was charting out a new, more aggressive strategy, defined largely by a pledge to push back hard against news stories that are either inaccurate or unflattering." Anita Dunn appeared the following Sunday on CNN to fire the first salvo of this stated policy. Of course the Rushbo was was declared by Obama during his own campaign time and immediately after taking office with his comment (I WON and [paraphrased listening to Rush Limbaugh is what creates these problems]
4.Anyone who disagreed with the Reich was demonized as a liar, an agent of the Jews, or a tool of the special interests. Goon squads would show up at opposition rallies and provoke confrontations while the media portrayed the rallies and their participants as “angry mobs.” Tea Party goers beware and Town Hall meetings are in danger. How soon before Acorn goons, Black Panthers under the guise of AmeriCorps.show up? We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." Barack Obama
5.The Nazis also used the public school system to indoctrinate the next generation of Nazis. Parents who tried to teach their own values were denounced by their children. Politically incorrect views were criminalized. Opposing viewpoints were heavily censored.
How many times in just recent months have we seen children being used to sing the praises of “the One”
Politically incorrect views, especially of the NOCARE Health Bill! What was the reaction? The latest in their attempt to silence the opposition has been to form a website where ordinary citizens are asked to “snitch” on their friends, neighbors and anyone the hear speaking in opposition. The administration directs their appeal to those who are most likely to overhear and report such, the youth but of course the old folks at the nursing home are eligible to snitch as well.
To ensure that everybody thought in the correct manner, Goebbels set up the Reich Chamber of Commerce in 1933. This organization dealt with literature, art, music, radio, film, newspapers e tc. To produce anything that was in these groups, you had to be a member of the Reich Chamber.
If you are not a member of the ruling party in Congress then you are outside the loop and your input on anything of importance is not needed. No matter that you are an elected representative of the people, shut up, I WON!. How much longer before we see the enemies list (I am sure it already exist but when will actions be taken against those on that list)
The Nazi Party decided if you had the right credentials to be a member. Any person who was not credentialed was not allowed to have any work published or performed.
In this administration if you are not totally for anything that “the One” puts forth then you should be silenced just as members of congress and certain members of the media have been from the campaign days to present.
The aim of censorship under the Nazi regime was simple: to reinforce Nazi power and to suppress opposing viewpoints and information. Punishments ranged from banning of presentation and publishing of works at first; then later, deportation, imprisonment and even execution.
At this point it is basically attempts to ban those who have opposing viewpoint and the so called “Fairness Act” is just another step in doing such. When will dissidents be locked away or even executed? Remember the poem, At first the came for…….. Can we now say Rush, Fox News, James Wilson, Hannity etal.
This open marginalizing of independent news and opinion broadcasters is not by accident, but by design and rests solidly at the feet of the President. Dunn made it big in the news again this week for her declarations that Obama had controlled the media during the campaign. But this control of the media thing only works if one controls all the media and that indeed is the goal of this administration and it’s handful of well chosen propagandist.
The comparison is chilling to say the least but many will attempt to marginalize me as one of the folks on the right who see the boogyman in every shadow. I will answer, no the boogyman is no longer in the shadows but few have taken off the dark glasses long enough to see just where he is standing.
This administration is marginalizing all opposition to it’s agenda while ignoring
****I will be taking a break after posting this. The loss of a dear friend, mentor and former pastor has left me with little will to write. At this point I can only seem to concentrate on asking the question, WHY and to this point I have yet to receive an answer.