The Osama File: Case Closed

Osama's death marks a long-awaited triumph for the United States, but it came much too late and at a very high price. Michael Scheuer, former CIA chief of the team hunting Osama bin Laden, confirmed with great disdain that SpecOps had not one but two opportunities to kill Osama before 9/11... Read the rest of the story HERE.
After reading the story you decide how history should record this action. Comments should be interesting to say the least.
As a rule, I don't watch Glenn Beck, but his show today was excellent; lots of questions about the timing, etc. And the fact that the SEALS team they're saying got Obama isn't listed anywhere (SEAL SIX or something?)
weird..all of it.
I'm just glad he's dead. There are naysayers now "he's not really dead" They don't know the Arab mind; pride is everything. If he was not dead, he'd be talking live in Time Square to prove it.
at least we got him...I was surprised Obama mentioned JUSTICE because that was such a BUSH TERM after the 911 attacks.....
Seal Team Six is a very very covert group so you won't be reading much about them nor who they are. They are one heck of a bunch of men I can say that. They and the Delta Force operate in places and at times that few have any information about. I knew some of those types from some years back.
He's dead cause Seal Team Six takes no prisoners unless that is the mission. The mission was to take out Bin laden. Count on it, they did. As for the body, that's anyone's guess and I'll leave it at that.
Osama's death marks a long-awaited triumph for the United States, but it came much too late and at a very high price.
Not too late for many of the 9/11 families, however.
Obama is going to drag out all this good publicity for his administration. However, it's a long, long way to November 2012.
Just galls the fringe right that it wasn't Chucklenuts Bush who gave the order to whack that mofo, doesn't it.
You folks are a stich.
z doesn't listen to Beck. Yeah, and I'm Irish.
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