The New America would replace "barbarism" of unrestricted individual freedom and enterprise with the "sophistication" of state collectivism. Social planners would mold society according to their will and not the will of the people.
Equality is the operational principle, the mantra, if you will. With religious fervor, They pursue economic and social uniformity. They are determined to make the unequal equal even if that necessitates individual surrender and subordination to the state, resulting in a kinder, gentler form of tyranny...aka SOCIALISM.
But tyranny only tells part of the story as new Americans will now live in a radically new America. The great America, Christian experiment in freedom and liberty for all has silently become and oppressive socialist regime of repressive rules, regulations and burdensome taxation without suitable representation. America is on the verge of a complete socialist takeover. Capitalism, the economic engine of America's past prosperity is wounded and destined to die. Corporations and banks will be nationalized, life savings and retirement accounts wiped out. This is not with out design, for humanist strategist and their Leftist allies in government seem determined to destroy not only capitalism but every form and fabric of the old America. Freedom itself is under attack . Property rights and gun ownership are in their sights,for reason.
The Left would have all of us unarmed and unable to take up arms to resist a tyrannical government--theirs---when all the pieces are in place and they demand full compliance from the populace.
An extension of this concept of personal disarmament, liberals would have the new America itself militarily compromised if not downright defenseless.
The new America is bankrupt and on the verge of collapse, trillions in debt and more on the way if The Left gets it's way and raises the debt ceiling, which they intend to do in order to pay for all the "FREEBIES" with or without Congress.
Leftist hasten the downward spiral with their massive welfare handouts, national and international giveaway programs, more spending, borrowing and printing until the presses melt.
The above is factual, not imagined. Just look at what has occurred in 8 years of the last administration and listen to what the current batch of Socialist disguiswd as Democratic Socialist are saying. Open any paper, listen to any news broadcast and all one hears are the Leftist calling for total gun control. They call for MEDICARE for all... FREE EDUCATION for all .... More money to end CLIMATE CHANGE via the NEW GREEN DEAL .. which is the same as the old Green Deal ..... just more expensive. ".... America's sovereignty has been sacrificed for "global" citizenship. Her interest subsumed to the global regulatory architecture. Time after time they enact laws and rulings that are detrimental to America's health As if America is an eternal entity, no matter what, they willingly expose her to her enemies through unilateral disarmament, cuts in defense spending, weakening the CIA, allowing her enemies to own an unhealthy portion of our debt , our businesses, our properties and on an on." These words in italics were written some 15 years ago and today we are seeing the reality of what was written. It is no laughing matter as we stand on the verge of seeing this "New America" come to being and destroying the Republic. We can sit idly by as it seems many have done over this period of time or we can STAND UP and tell these SOCIALIST LEFTIST to SIT DOWN... You can't have our country. The decision is yours... you can stay at home or get out and VOTE for FREEDOM. All rights reserved. These passages are protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. They may not be copied or printed for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be granted upon request."
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