Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Are You One of the New American's?

Are You One of the New American's?  If you are a liberal and will consider voting for Obama then just maybe you are. 

I know many  will read this and will be mad as Hades for my daring to publish the truth. Many will go into denial while continuing to believe  what has been written to describe them.  I make no apology for what is written for it is true. I feel deeply sorrowful for those who have fallen into the New American trap. Perhaps they can explain why they have done so and can actually believe their rationale.

 The new American has been conditioned by the liberal humanist
machine to look like this: He hates his country. After all, what is in
a country, a glob of dirt with trees and grass and lots of weeds?
You can get that anywhere on the globe. Keep your flag to yourself;
just show me the money. Sadly, new Americans don’t care what
happens to their country so long as the checks keep coming. Your
country for a bowl of soup. Therefore, the new American strengthens
the world at the expense of America. He brags on Castro and
Hugo Chavez. He apologizes incessantly for his country’s imperialistic
behavior. He supports the anti-American United Nations. He sends
billions in foreign aid to countries that hate us and to international
money distributors who do the same. He allows millions of illegal
aliens to enter and stay (and vote) in America.

The new Americans care not for our heritage and Christian
traditions, much less the dogmas of the Christian faith. They
legalize baby murder, homosexual marriages, banning prayer in
public schools. The family unit is an unnecessary, often harmful,
anachronism to them. Population control excites them. That is
one reason feminism and homosexuality get such fanfare. That is
one reason they have such hatred for males—the instigators of
the mess in the first place. That is one reason they have killed an
entire generation of our babies who could have supplied labor,
teachers, doctors, soldiers, more honest politicians (closing in on
an oxymoron).

The new American has been robbed of his responsibility,
accountability, and freedom. Everything is planned for him by a
corps of government central planners. He votes for legislators
who pass anti-American, capitalist-killing legislation, plus laws
and rulings promoting or leading to Marxist ideals, illegitimate

births, abortion on demand, broken homes, feminism, increased
crime rates, homosexual special rights, environmental militants,
and unilateral disarmament. He votes to regulate prices and
profits, for pork barrel spending, for unread and hastily passed
legislation, for robbing the “rich” and redistributing to the “under -
privileged,” for cradle-to-grave mothering by the state.

Excerpts from The End Of Old America by Thomas Reed   Available soon at Laurus Books


GM Roper said...

One can only work to get a new administration in place by getting rid of Obama and his minions. That being said, and even if republicans take over we must be vigilant to ensure that new rules are put into place to change the direction this country is headed in.

Good post AF, thanks.

Ticker said...

Thanks for coming by GM. I'll be posting more of this type thing this week and the following weeks.

Md Raju said...

I just found your blog and want to say thank you ! It is really nice post thanks for sharing and just keep up the good work !

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