Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Will the Real Author of the Health Care Fiasco Please Stand Up

Did you ever wonder why “the chief occupier” never answers any direct questions about his Obamasno –care? Could it possibly be that he has absolutely no clue as to what it contains other than what he is fed on his teleprompter? Just exactly who is in charge of Obamasno-care? Is it Pelosi and Reid along with Chucky and a few other of the farleft loudmouth know nothings in Congress or is it someone hidden beneath all the piles and layers of subterfuge in this administration?

The fact is that neither “the chief occupier” nor Congress is the leader or the planner of this fiasco called Health Reform. It is indeed one who does not have to answer to the Congress, the American Public or anyone other than “the chief occupier” and he is kept busy “selling” the plan that he knows nothing about so basically it is one individual who has formulated this travesty. And who might that one be? It is none other than the equivalent of Germany’s Dr Josef Mengele , the brother of White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel. His own book, Healthcare, Guaranteed is the source for the mess called health reform. He has been developing this monstrosity since shortly after the coronation according to his own admission.

I recently picked up a copy of Dr. Mengele’s, er.. Dr Death…er… Dr. Emanuels book and have begun to read it thoroughly after doing a quick speed read scan. I did take time to do some underlining of things I found very interesting and it sounds very much like Obamasno-care ideology, strategy and the current proposed legislation.

While the claim of the White House is to reform or change our current health care system that is not the plan proposed by Dr. Emanuel. On Page 170 he states that there must be an immediate and complete reconstruction of health care in this country. That of course is “the chief occupier’s” ideology in a nut shell. A few pages later in the chapter on Opening the Door to Comprehensive Change he points out the need to rush the legislation through. That particular segment of his book reads more like a manual on brainwashing. I am sure that we have all heard the “chief occupier” say “We must lay a new foundation for future growth and prosperity, ....: Congress must act before August recess on health care overhaul” ... "This debate is not a game for these Americans [affected by problems with the current system], and they cannot afford to wait for reform any longer,"…. "They are counting on us to get this done. They are looking to us for leadership. And we must not let them down.” Sounds like the “Snake Oil Salesman” calling “HURRY, HURRY, GET YOUR HEALTH IN A BOTTLE ELIXER NOW!” which is exactly what it boils down to.

Of course there is the vagueness of the “chief occupier” on any specific details of the plan as the crusade rushes around the country during the August Congressional Recess, which by the way is not going well for the left, which is also one of Dr. Emanuel’s game strategies. The “chief occupier” throws out nice sound bites , which we have all grown tired of by now and know the drill by heart, saying , “If you've already got health care, the only thing we're going to do for you is we're going to reform the insurance companies so that they can't cheat you." Dr. Emanuel’s book , on Page 183 (?) says: "Americans need to avoid the policy weeds. Focusing on details will only distract and create tangles and traps.” What he means is “avoid detail since most are too stupid to question anything if it is kept in vague sound bites” It almost worked until a few people woke up and sounded the alarm and that is the reason for the “campaign trail crusade”. The administration has had to go on the defense.

Dr. Emanuel gives details on the so called national health board, or as some have pointed out and called them the death panels. He outlines a plan of regional health boards similar to the Federal Reserve. Of course at this time there is no actual health board mentioned in HR 3200, but as I pointed out there is a similar board in HR 1 or the “Porkulus Bill” as I wrote about in Saturday’s Blog Post. Can you imagine a board with the broad sweeping powers of the Federal Reserve?

Of course included in Dr. Death’s plan and duty of the board is the end of life counseling and “that medical care should be withheld from those who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens.”

Medicare and Medicaid, according to Dr. Emanuel needs to be phased out which is one reason that this administration has done nothing nor said anything about overhauling these programs. The other reason is to of course free up money to pay for the fiasco.

On pages 109-111 Dr. Emanuel writes of ending employer-based health care packages. On page 16 of HR 3200 under the titles of "Limitation on new enrollment" and "Limitation on changes in terms or conditions" , it would essentially make individual private health insurance illegal. Of course this has been the plan from day one. The administration does not want any competition from private companies on anything, from banking, automobiles or anything else or so it appears.

I mentioned in a paragraph above, that phasing out Medicare and Medicaid under Dr. Emanuel’s program would be used to pay for the fiasco currently being proposed. He however sees that this would not come close to paying for such a monstrosity so other forms of revenue must be put into place. We have all heard mention of the placing a 10% VAT (value added tax) and then allowing Americans to “pay extra with after-tax dollars” for additional medical benefits which are above and beyond the government program. (this is mentioned on Page 100 if you are reading or plan to read the book). Again this is all smoke and mirrors because neither of these proposals, elimination of Medicare and Medicaid nor the VAT would come close to funding this monstrosity. The only way, and again the administration will not get into details of this because as Dr. Emanuel points out, “they are policy weeds to be avoided”, will be to increase taxes on corporations, taxing employer provided insurance (if there is any such thing left), ridding programs which offer health savings accounts or flex accounts and limiting the deductions on medial expenses. What it boils down to is it is WE THE PEOPLE WILL PAY.

Hopefully after I return from a combined business and vacation trip I will have had time to read the book more thoroughly and can add more to this. In the meantime pass this along, and KEEP PUTTING OUT THE TRUTH! That folks is the only way this fiasco authored by Ezekiel (Dr. Death) Emanuel can be stopped.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Yep , The Death Panel is Included, But Not Where You Think!

The Lame Stream Media and the Leftist are going crazy over Sarah Palin’s claim of the inclusion of a “Death Panel” provision in the unHealthCare fiasco. All the leftist bashers lined up to take their pot shots at Palin and others who have made the similar claim. The AP and the NYT have pointed out that there is nothing in the legislative proposal that would call for creation of death panels and technically they are correct because they state that end-of life counseling is not the same as a death panel.

HOWEVER both fail to point out that the panel already exists. Yep, that’s what I said! It is contained in H.R. 1 commonly known as the Recovery and Reinvestment Act but more often called by those who are not blind, dumb, or just plain stupid, the Porkulus Bill. There is 1.1 Billion dollars set aside to fund the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research. Former nominee and unqualified individual for Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Daschle made sure that his brain child (I’ll be nice) was included.

Betsy McCaughey, former Lieutenant governor of New York, wrote in detail about he council’s purpose.

Daschle's stated purpose (and therefore Obama's purpose) for creating the Council is to empower an unelected bureaucracy to make the hard decisions about health care rationing that elected politicians are politically unable to make. The end result is to slow costly medical advancement and consumption. Daschle argued that Americans ought to be more like Europeans who passively accept "hopeless diagnoses."

McCaughey goes on to point out that Daschle said health-care reform “will not be pain free” and that Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them. I believe “the One” stated that perhaps they should take a pain pill instead of seeking treatment.

Just who is on this council so far? One of its most prominent members is none other than Dr. Death himself Ezekiel Emanuel. Dr. Emanuel's views on care of the elderly should frighten anyone who is or ever plans on being old. He explains the logic behind his discriminatory views on elderly care as follows:

Unlike allocation by sex or race, allocation by age is not invidious discrimination; every person lives through different life stages rather than being a single age. Even if 25-year-olds receive priority over 65-year-olds, everyone who is 65 years now was previously 25 years.

On average 25-year-olds require very few medical services. If they are to get the lion's share of the treatment, then those 65 and over can expect very little care. Dr. Emanuel's views on saving money on medical care are simple: don't provide any medical care. The loosely worded provisions in H.R 1 give him and his Council increasing power to push such recommendations.

Similarly hazy language will no doubt be used in the health care bill. What may pass as a 1,000 page health care law will explode into perhaps many thousands of pages of regulatory codes. The deliberate vagueness will give regulators tremendous leverage to interpret its provisions Obama's Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein will play a major role in defining the government's role in controlling medical care.

It seems that Susteins approach to end life care varies in value. In 2003 he wrote a paper for AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies were he made that very argument. He championed a statistical method that gives preference to what the government rates as “quality adjusted life years, what ever that may mean to those who are in charge. Basically it boils down to the fact that government decides whether a person’s life is worth living. Wonder where they would rate Ted Kennedy? Ooop’s of course he would not fall under such ridiculous guidelines, he’s a Senator and also has loads of money. That would mean that his life is worth more than mine or yours so it would be our duty to go ahead and die and free up welfare money for someone who is young and “productive”.

Obama himself gave the real answer to a question in his ABC infomercial when he said that payment determination cannot be influenced by a person’s spirit and “that at least we (meaning the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research) can let doctors know and your mom know that…uh, this , uh, isn’t going to help. Maybe, uh, uh, you’re better off, uh, uh, not having uh, uh, surgery, but uh, taking, uh, the painkiller.

Now you decide, is there a federal “death panel”? My bet is if H.R.1 doesn’t pretty well seal the deal then there will be some language slipped into the last minute bill that is so vague that it can be utilized for setting the “death panel” in place.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Obama says health care critics use 'scare tactics'

Scare tactics or the truth, Mr. Occupier in Chief? It is you who have used scare tactics from the day one on this travesty that you call a Health Care Plan . Let’s just call it what it is, Socialized Medicine and cut the lies , OK? You claim that this must be passed “yesterday” and I ask WHY? Is it because you are afraid that when people have time to study this play they will revolt against it as they are doing now?

Why did you feel the need to go on the campaign trail again to try to sell this “snake oil” to the people? You sure picked a safe place to give your sales pitch after all these folks have imbibed in the socialist koolaide for so long that they wouldn’t know a lie if someone underlined it in red for them. I would imagine that the crowd was well cherry picked as well but I see you allowed one lone Republican (if he actually was one and not an Axelrod, chief astroturfer plant to make you look good)

Asking for criticism of a plan when you know the crowd is safe is cowardly Mr. Chief Occupier but then you have always been a coward haven’t you? You will not go where you might be questioned since your ego can’t handle it. We have seen your outburst of temper when someone dares to question you on anything.

Mr. Chief Occupier, it’s time to stop the lies. Your Obamination called Heath Care is DEAD and you will become a lame duck before you have finished your first year, Thank God!

He told his audience reassuringly, "For all the chatter and the yelling and the shouting and the noise, what you need to know is this ... if you do have health insurance, we will make sure that no insurance company or government bureaucrat gets between you and the care you need." He lied as usual:

That’s simply not true. Both the Associated Press and ABC News have already debunked this pledge, noting that White House officials have acknowledged the president’s rhetoric shouldn’t be taken “literally.” An independent study conducted by the Lewin Group predicted that 114 million Americans may be forced out of their current health care coverage, including more than 106 million Americans who currently have employer-provided health care. The point is, this White House cannot guarantee that Americans will be able to keep their plan – because they don’t know how many employers are going to drop their coverage altogether if their plan goes into effect.

He said the overhaul is essential to them, too, contending it is the way to keep control in their hands. Obama said while government bureaucrats should not meddle with people's care, bureaucrats at insurance companies should not, either. He lied again:

The Wall Street Journal noted in a July 20, 2009 editorial:
“The House bill says that after a five-year grace period all Erisa [Employee Retirement Income Security Act] insurance offerings will have to win government approval—both by the Department of Labor and a new ‘health choices commissioner’ who will set federal standards for what is an acceptable health plan. This commissar—er, commissioner—can fine employers that don’t comply and even has ‘suspension of enrollment’ powers for plans that he or she has vetoed, until ‘satisfied that the basis for such determination has been corrected and is not likely to recur.’ In other words, the insurance coverage of 132 million people—the product of enormously complex business and health-care decisions—will now be subject to bureaucratic nanomanagement.”

The people Obama called on for questions asked him largely about their personal medical concerns and how any new law would affect them. "We're not talking about cutting Medicare benefits," he said, trying to reassure one questioner. And more lies, as usual.

New York Times rebuts this claim: “To help finance coverage for the uninsured, Congress would squeeze huge savings out of Medicare, the program for older Americans and the disabled. These savings would pay nearly 40 percent of the bills’ cost. The legislation would trim Medicare payments for most services, as an incentive for hospitals and other health care providers to become more efficient. The providers make a plausible case that the cutbacks could inadvertently reduce beneficiaries’ access to some types of care.” An independent analysis of the House Democrats’ government-run plan shows the legislation slashes Medicare to the tune of $361.9 billion. That means fewer choices and lower health care quality for our nation’s seniors – exactly what then-Senator Obama blasted last fall, during the presidential campaign.

Hattip on fast check to Bubba at Noteworthy

Thursday, August 6, 2009

More of the Downward Spiral

Yesterday, I posted I'M GONNA TELL ON YOU! about how this administration is sounding and acting more like the administration of Germany in 1938. The point of the post was to expose the flagrant, in your face, arrogance of this administration when it comes to those who oppose their so-called health care program.

Today, Always on Watch has posted a great piece on how the administration will get away with such since the White House is not covered by any law concerning the gathering of private information. If you were not outraged after reading my post, then you certainly will be after reading BHO's Dangerous-Dissent Database. I urge you to read this article.

If you are not outraged, then you must be either one of the liberals who approves or no longer cares about what is happening in this country.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Bart Willruth writes in his American Thinker article, Citizen Informants, about the latest travesty of the Obama regime. Seeing as how the protest against the travesty called Obamacare is rising each day and that the Congress has adjourned for the August recess the Czar in charge and “the One” are getting nervous. The latest in their attempt to silence the opposition has been to form a website where ordinary citizens are asked to “snitch” on their friends, neighbors and anyone the hear speaking in opposition. The administration directs their appeal to those who are most likely to overhear and report such, the youth but of course the old folks at the nursing home are eligible to snitch as well. The Propaganda Czar it seems can not keep up with all the e-mails and such that are going around on the web which protest the OBAMACARE and now has gone to the lowest means possible—Citizen Informants. Does it remind you of anything in History?

Willruth writes: In 1930's Germany, the new socialist government of Adolf Hitler (NAZI National Socialist Workers' Party) began indoctrinating children in the quasi-military organization, the Hitler Youth, to inform on their parents should they overhear discussions subversive to the policies of the Leader. As the noose was tightened, local community organizers were appointed to watch their neighbors and were told to report subversive comments to the bureaucrats above them. Neighbors informed on neighbors, some for reasons of patriotism or loyalty, some from fear. A modern inquisition ensued; a terror to free thought and expression. Increasingly harsh penalties were meted out to those who dared to dissent.

Prior to the election (October of 2008) of this sock puppet, I wrote that his plans sounded too much like the plans a certain other politician and wannabe dictator was saying in 1938. Obama Plans for America in 2008 Sounds like 1938 I specifically addressed the Youth Program

He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future! He spoke of forming a a "civilian national security force" that would be as powerful, strong and well-funded as the half-trillion dollar United States Army, Marines, Navy and Air Force have mysteriously disappeared from published transcripts of the speech. In the comments, Obama confirmed the U.S. "cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set." Suddenly the quote disappeared from the transcripts and in its place appeared some watered down but yet as equally important statements that fit well with the plans that were put forth in 1935: We'll call on Americans to join an Energy Corps to conduct renewable energy and environmental cleanup projects in their neighborhoods. And we'll use technology to connect people to service. We'll expand USA Freedom Corps to create an online network where Americans can browse opportunities to volunteer. You'll be able to search by category, time commitment, and skill sets; you'll be able to rate service opportunities, build service networks, and create your own service pages to track your hours and activities. This will empower more Americans to craft their own service agenda, and make their own change from the bottom up. Of course there was no such advanced technology in 1935 but there was the
Speaker Corp, the Land Service etc as you will read below.

Adolf Hitler, speech at the Reichsparteitag, 1935 these facts have been established:

The Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth), the NAZI party's youth movement, indoctrinated German youth to perpetuate the "1,000 year Reich." The Hitler Youth movement emphasized activism, physical training, NAZI ideology, especially nationalism and racial concepts, and absolute obedience to Hitler and the NAZI Party. Indoctrinating children in National Socialist idelogy was a key goal of the NAZI Party. Once Hitler assumed control over the German state, he used the Government to make the Hitler Youth the country's all encompassing youth movement. Hitler and other NAZIs leaders saw the indoctrination of young Germans as of critical importance. In the same year that they took power, the NAZIs organized German youth organizations into two branches of the Hitler Youth (Hitler Jugen), one branch for boys and one for girls. Membership was eventually made compulsory and all boys had to report to a neighborhood office to have his racial background checked and be registered for membership. There was then a typically elaborate introduction ceremony on the Füherer's birthday

An important part of the Hitler Youth system was authority given to the members. The Hitler Youth made a point that "youth must be led by youth". This was an important part of the Hitler Youth ethos, meant to cultivate the image of unsullied German youth rejecting the failed old leders and their failed policies and principles. In fact, boys and girls were given leadership positions. The slogan, however, was misleading. he boys were incouraged to question or even reject some authority figures, such as parents or church leaders, which appeled to many boys. They were had, however, to accept NAZI principles without question. Hitler Youth leaders did not represent an autonomous youth culture, but were in effect functionaries of the NAZI Party bureaucracy. They were tightly regimented by rules and regulations.

So here we are folks, August 5th, 2009 and it has begun. The Orwellian thugocracy is here. The recruitment of “snitches” has begun and the formation of the Youth Corp began months ago through ACORN and the Black Panthers.

You can read the rest of Willruths timely article here:

Others have written about this issue as well. you can read what Miss Beth has to say here: I'll Snitch Myself Out-Letter to Flag@Whitehouse.gov

Right Truth has this to say here: White House takes names of those who oppose health care bills

I am sure that others are writing about this latest in a line of travesties coming out of this administration and I am sure there will be more until the Cyber Czar decides to shut down the internet . Given the desperation of this administration to further it’s socialist agenda and destroy this country nothing will surprise me


Bart Willruth writes in his American Thinker article, Citizen Informants, about the latest travesty of the Obama regime. Seeing as how the protest against the travesty called Obamacare is rising each day and that the Congress has adjourned for the August recess the Czar in charge and “the One” are getting nervous. The latest in their attempt to silence the opposition has been to form a website where ordinary citizens are asked to “snitch” on their friends, neighbors and anyone the hear speaking in opposition. The administration directs their appeal to those who are most likely to overhear and report such, the youth but of course the old folks at the nursing home are eligible to snitch as well. The Propaganda Czar it seems can not keep up with all the e-mails and such that are going around on the web which protest the OBAMACARE and now has gone to the lowest means possible—Citizen Informants. Does it remind you of anything in History?

Willruth writes: In 1930's Germany, the new socialist government of Adolf Hitler (NAZI National Socialist Workers' Party) began indoctrinating children in the quasi-military organization, the Hitler Youth, to inform on their parents should they overhear discussions subversive to the policies of the Leader. As the noose was tightened, local community organizers were appointed to watch their neighbors and were told to report subversive comments to the bureaucrats above them. Neighbors informed on neighbors, some for reasons of patriotism or loyalty, some from fear. A modern inquisition ensued; a terror to free thought and expression. Increasingly harsh penalties were meted out to those who dared to dissent.

Prior to the election (October of 2008) of this sock puppet, I wrote that his plans sounded too much like the plans a certain other politician and wannabe dictator was saying in 1938. Obama Plans for America in 2008 Sounds like 1938. I specifically addressed the Youth Program

He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future! He spoke of forming a a "civilian national security force" that would be as powerful, strong and well-funded as the half-trillion dollar United States Army, Marines, Navy and Air Force have mysteriously disappeared from published transcripts of the speech. In the comments, Obama confirmed the U.S. "cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set." Suddenly the quote disappeared from the transcripts and in its place appeared some watered down but yet as equally important statements that fit well with the plans that were put forth in 1935: We'll call on Americans to join an Energy Corps to conduct renewable energy and environmental cleanup projects in their neighborhoods. And we'll use technology to connect people to service. We'll expand USA Freedom Corps to create an online network where Americans can browse opportunities to volunteer. You'll be able to search by category, time commitment, and skill sets; you'll be able to rate service opportunities, build service networks, and create your own service pages to track your hours and activities. This will empower more Americans to craft their own service agenda, and make their own change from the bottom up. Of course there was no such advanced technology in 1935 but there was the
Speaker Corp, the Land Service etc as you will read below.

-- Adolf Hitler, speech at the Reichsparteitag, 1935 these facts have been established:

The Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth), the NAZI party's youth movement, indoctrinated German youth to perpetuate the "1,000 year Reich." The Hitler Youth movement emphasized activism, physical training, NAZI ideology, especially nationalism and racial concepts, and absolute obedience to Hitler and the NAZI Party. Indoctrinating children in National Socialist idelogy was a key goal of the NAZI Party. Once Hitler assumed control over the German state, he used the Government to make the Hitler Youth the country's all encompassing youth movement. Hitler and other NAZIs leaders saw the indoctrination of young Germans as of critical importance. In the same year that they took power, the NAZIs organized German youth organizations into two branches of the Hitler Youth (Hitler Jugen), one branch for boys and one for girls. Membership was eventually made compulsory and all boys had to report to a neighborhood office to have his racial background checked and be registered for membership. There was then a typically elaborate introduction ceremony on the Füherer's birthday

An important part of the Hitler Youth system was authority given to the members. The Hitler Youth made a point that "youth must be led by youth". This was an important part of the Hitler Youth ethos, meant to cultivate the image of unsullied German youth rejecting the failed old leders and their failed policies and principles. In fact, boys and girls were given leadership positions. The slogan, however, was misleading. he boys were incouraged to question or even reject some authority figures, such as parents or church leaders, which appeled to many boys. They were had, however, to accept NAZI principles without question. Hitler Youth leaders did not represent an autonomous youth culture, but were in effect functionaries of the NAZI Party bureaucracy. They were tightly regimented by rules and regulations.

So here we are folks, August 5th, 2009 and it has begun. The Orwellian thugocracy is here. The recruitment of “snitches” has begun and the formation of the Youth Corp began months ago through ACORN and the Black Panthers.

You can read the rest of Willruths timely article here:

Others have written about this issue as well. you can read what Miss Beth has to say here: I'll Snitch Myself Out-Letter to Flag@Whitehouse.gov http://missbethsvictorydance.blogspot.com/2009/08/ill-snitch-myself-out-letter-to.html

Right Truth has this to say here: White House takes names of those who oppose health care bills

I am sure that others are writing about this latest in a line of travesties coming out of this administration and I am sure there will be more until the Cyber Czar decides to shut down the internet . Given the desperation of this administration to further it’s socialist agenda and destroy this country nothing will surprise me.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

For the General Welfare

"With respect to the two words 'general welfare,' I have always regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by its creators." --James Madison

What in the world has happened in this country since these words were spoken. Have we totally forgotten them, turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to these words? The Progressives have twisted the meaning to such an extent that no one really understands what was meant by these words. It is a shame that the Progressives in this country do not, have not and will not read and comprehend these words. In doing so their entire argument of entitlements and rights to things now found in this government would be struck down like a locust tree in a lightening storm. There would be no conversation or argument that health care is a right as defined under “general welfare”. It just is not so, but unfortunately we the people have allowed our elected representatives and often times just our elected leaders to circumvent the meaning of the Constitution. One would have to ask if the presidents in office and congresses were assembled from 1787 to 1930 ignorant of their constitutional authority to manage and save the economy, force government health care upon the people all in the name of the “general welfare”? Nothing of this sort occurred until this country. It took the Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt administrations to massively intervene in the economy and this administration to carry the intervention to include health care, all in the name of the “general welfare”.

Our founding fathers understood that one person's rights may not create a burden for another person. We have the right to free speech, but we may not force someone else to listen and as someone else has said the government does not furnish each individual with their own radio or tv station. We have the right to worship as we choose, but we may not compel another person to attend church with us nor does the government does not build our church buildings for us. We have the right to keep and bear arms, but if our neighbor chooses not to, we may not require that he carry a firearm and the government is not obligated to buy our weapons nor furnish our ammunition. A right to health care cannot exist because it requires that someone else provide it and that person is the taxpayer.

Mark Styen asked recently "How did the health-care debate decay to the point where we think it entirely natural for the central government to fix a collective figure for what 300 million freeborn citizens ought to be spending on something as basic to individual liberty as their own bodies?”

The pro-abortion people cry that it is the individuals right to determine what grows in their body and it is not up to anyone to decide such issues concerning their bodies or their health. Using that same augment then they would also have to determine that the government has no right to determine how the health care of the 300 million citizens of this country is not the business of government. Of course that does not suit their agenda and they only argue the point if it is in their favor and furthers their agenda. To this point the so called conservatives in Congress have neither used this argument against abortion nor health care. One would question if they will ever wake up and stand on the Constitutional principles that our founding fathers set forth.

Thomas Jefferson also spoke to the subject of the “general welfare” as well when he said "Our tenet ever was... that Congress had not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but were restrained to those specifically enumerated, and that, as it was never meant that they should provide for that welfare but by the exercise of the enumerated powers, so it could not have been meant they should raise money for purposes which the enumeration did not place under their action; consequently, that the specification of powers is a limitation of the purposes for which they may raise money."

Our elected leaders need to be reminded as well of this quote from Thomas Jefferson: "[An] act of the Congress of the United States... which assumes powers... not delegated by the Constitution, is not law, but is altogether void and of no force." I would speculate that the majority of the laws now on the books would have to be stricken there from especially those passed within the last 65 years and of course to include the Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which was ratified in 1913. “It empowered Congress to “tax incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration." I am certain that there are others placed on the books for the “general welfare” of the people earlier than the beginning of socialism under Hoover and FDR that would also need to be removed.

Jefferson, as well as others of our founding fathers , was very clear in the intent of the power of the document and of those who were elected to see that those powers were not abused.

In addressing the possibilities of abuse he certainly would be speaking of and to the majority that we have elected in this country today for today we see more abuse of the Constitutional power than ever before, even more than under FDR. Those who would force their interpretation of “the general welfare” for the sake of purchasing votes and gaining control over this country to where “we the people” become powerless would certainly be in his sights.

"Unless the mass retains sufficient control over those entrusted with the powers of their government, these will be perverted to their own oppression, and to the perpetuation of wealth and power in the individuals and their families selected for the trust. Whether our Constitution has hit on the exact degree of control necessary, is yet under experiment." --Thomas Jefferson to M. van der Kemp, 1812

Jefferson would certainly be disappointed if he were to see the lot that has been elected and remained in power . His words certainly ring with truth.

"I sincerely wish... we could see our government so secured as to depend less on the character of the person in whose hands it is trusted. Bad men will sometimes get in and with such an immense patronage may make great progress in corrupting the public mind and principles. This is a subject with which wisdom and patriotism should be occupied." --Thomas Jefferson to Moses Robinson, 1801

Jefferson often wondered if the Constitution made it’s intent clear enough when it came to our elected representatives. Perhaps if we ever get around to having a Constitutional convention this should be included for it certainly would put an end to the abuses of power that we have seen in this country in the last 65 plus years. It would also leave ‘we the people” room in which to recall those elected based on their failure to maintain that oath. Wouldn’t we have a great time removing those in power today.

"Smaller objections [I have to the new Constitution] are [the omission of] the appeals on matters of fact as well as law, and the binding of all persons, Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary, by oath to maintain that constitution." --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1787. ME 6:390

Jefferson was certainly prophetic in his thinking when he stated this as well. What would he think of our “lifetime” Congressmen and Senators. I believe he would have called for term limits long before now. Maybe it is time for this issue to be addressed as well if and when a Constitutional convention is ever held.

"I apprehend... that the total abandonment of the principle of rotation in the offices of President and Senator will end in abuse." --Thomas Jefferson to Edward Rutledge, 1788.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Prognostications From A Fellow Blogger

My friend Jeff over at If The Right One Don't Get Ya, The Left One Will has made some rather discomforting prognostications.

Now Jeff is not into crystal balls, crystals , tea leaves and such but he is a right observant individual with a pretty strong gut feeling about things and more apt than not is correct in his prognostications.

Jeff is just a good ole hard working country boy who loves his country and also one of those who will be more than slightly effected in a not so good way by “the great one's” Cash for Clunkers program. The chief occupier , through this scam on the American taxpayer , using YOUR TAX MONEY to artificially create some good numbers for the economy and for the failing auto industry because it’s been a long time since there’s been any shadow of success for “the one” will in all likelihood put Jeff out of business. You see Jeff rebuilds carburetors for vehicles that still use them which in turn stimulates the economy by free enterprise means, not socialist means. The farmers, the truckers, the lower income folks who buy used cars, the auto collector/restorer, the dealers who sell vehicles that still use carburetors, and who depend on Jeff’s skills will also suffer if Jeff is not be able to stay in business. That means more than one small business –gone—but is that not the goal of this socialist sock puppet and his puppet master George Soros?

It’s a sad day when the so called leader(s) of this country is(are) determined to destroy it.

I’ve said enough so go to Jeffs blog and read the FIRST INSTALLMENT OF "JEFF PREDICTS" -- More to Follow Sporadically I believe you will see the wisdom and accuracy of his prognostications.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Questions on Health Care

Here’s the last of just 25 possible questions about H.R.3200, AKA Obamacare, you can ask you Congressperson during the August recess.

Section 1131 proposes changes to the Social Security Act that pertain to payment to hospitals. It would add this language: “(1) In General.-With respect to payment for discharges from an applicable hospital…in order to account for excess readmission's in the hospital, the Secretary shall reduce the payments that would otherwise be made to such hospital…”

SO, under Obamacare, will the medical decision to readmit a patient be made by a federal bureaucrat who stands between patient and doctor? Isn’t this what some have accused the insurance companies of doing?

Section 1156 is entitled: Limitations On Medicare Exceptions To The Prohibition On Certain Physician Referrals Made To Hospitals. It proposes another change to the Social Security Act. If enacted, it would require the “entity providing covered items or services for which payment may be made” to provide the government with “the names and unique physician identification numbers of all physicians with ownership or investment interest…in the entity, as well as their relatives who have ownership or interest.” Furthermore, the hospital must “disclose the fact that the hospital is partially or wholly owned by one or more physicians…on any public website for the hospital and in any public advertising for the hospital.” The fine for failing to do so is $10,000 per day for each day of non-compliance.

SO, suppose a hospital corporation has hundreds of physicians and relatives who own relatively small shares in the enterprise. Must all their names appear on a billboard that advertises the hospital? Hardly a week passes when we don’t hear about a Senator or member of the House who has a close relationship with someone who’s been the special beneficiary of that legislator’s efforts in Washington, D.C. So why is Congress proposing to apply standards to doctors that all members of Congress (some think most) obviously don’t follow themselves? Before Congress makes a house call on the docs, shouldn’t Congress clean-up its own house?

Section 1171 is entitled: Extension Of Authority Of Special Needs Plans to Restrict Enrollment. It addresses the decision-making process of including or restricting existing state “special needs” programs now under Medicaid-Medicare. They are to be analyzed for the “impact of such plans on cost, quality of care, patient satisfaction, and other subjects as specified by the Secretary.”

SO, under what conditions might Obamacare decide that it’s too expensive to continue an existing state program that serves “special needs” patients? And just exactly who is a “special needs” person?

Section 1233, Advance Care Planning Consultation, includes a subsection entitled: Expansion Of Physician Quality Reporting Initiative For End Of Life Care. It states that “For purposes of reporting data on quality measures for covered professional services…the Secretary shall include quality measures on end of life care and advanced care planning that have been adopted or endorsed by a consensus-based organization [an undefined term, by the way], if appropriate…The Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register proposed quality measures on end of life care and advanced planning…appropriate for eligible professionals to use to submit data to the Secretary.”

SO, basically the federal government is going to define the level of medical care I’ll receive as I lay dying by directing my physician on the range of treatment available to me under Obamacare. And, the range of that treatment will be endorsed by a “consensus-based organization” – whatever that is – and reported to the government either through my physician or an “eligible professional.” That about cover it?

[My congressman is both a physician and a conservative Republican. If he holds open meetings on Obamacare, I will go if only to observe. But, if he was a proponent of the bill, I’d first ask the question below from my own experience:]

The federal government has made a colossal mess of Medicare and Medicaid. Why should taxpayers trust it to not make a mess of America’s entire health care system?

This is the final part of this series. I hope that is has been useful and informative to you. Lee Cary has done an outstanding job of laying out questions that all of us should be asking our representatives regardless of political affiliation. As I have said many time before, if we fail to ask the questions and this fiasco passes the only person to blame will be the one staring back at you from the mirror. I urge you to make sure that your feelings on this subject are known to your representatives as well.