Friday, January 29, 2010

State of the Union

This sums up Obama and the State of the Union message.

Alexander's Essay – January 28, 2010

State of the Union: Obama v. Constitution

"The duty imposed upon him to take care, that the laws be faithfully executed, follows out the strong injunctions of his oath of office, that he will 'preserve, protect, and defend the constitution.' The great object of the executive department is to accomplish this purpose; and without it, be the form of government whatever it may, it will be utterly worthless for offence, or defence; for the redress of grievances, or the protection of rights; for the happiness, or good order, or safety of the people." --Justice Joseph Story

The ObamaPrompter
In the wake of Barack Hussein Obama's first State of the Union address, much of the critical analysis from Republicans posited that he should do "this" instead of "that."
Unfortunately, when there is no more constitutional authority for a president to do this rather than that, Republicans fail to distinguish themselves from Democrats since both parties are then advocating unlawful extra-constitutional policies.
Obama's SOTU teleprompters fed him a steady stream of poll-tested rhetoric, none of which comports with the authority granted the Executive Branch, unless, of course, one subscribes to the adulterated "living constitution" as amended by judicial diktat.
Predictably, Obama offered only Socialist solutions to all ills, and not a single suggestion that individual responsibility or the private sector economy should shoulder that burden, at least not without government "incentives," a.k.a. centralized social and economic planning.
In 6,200 words (second longest SOTU after Bill Clinton -- two narcissists who just can't hear enough of themselves), Obama referred to himself repeatedly, and alleged that he was the anointed spokesman for "we," the American people, more than 100 times.
On the other hand, he mentioned the Constitution only twice.
First, in his opening remarks Obama said, "Our Constitution declares that from time to time the president shall give to Congress information about the state of our union."
Second, he asserted, "We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution, the notion that we're all created equal..."
As the Internet meme goes these days: FAIL! Uh, uh, uh, -- that "notion" was enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, third paragraph, first sentence. One would think that this alleged professor of "Constitutional Law" at the University of Chicago Law School would have noticed such a simple, yet substantial, error.
Our Constitution is devoted to clearly delineating the limited role of the central government from the unlimited rights of the states and the people.
To that end, James Madison, author of our Constitution, wrote, "The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite."
Accordingly, Obama mentions freedom only once, and made absolutely no reference to liberty.
Nowhere in our Constitution is there any authority or provision for these key proposals from Obama's SOTU:
1. The power to further centralize regulation of our economy.
2. The power to completely regulate our national health care system. (Note: both the Democrat and Republican proposals lack constitutional authority). Obama even repeated his claim that the American people are just not smart enough to get on board: "I take my share of the blame for not explaining it more clearly to the American people."
3. The power to further regulate and tax the production of CO2.
Obama reiterated his claims that the current recession was caused by "Wall Street," and then went on to insist that the only hope for ending the recession was government "investment," a euphemism for taxing money out of the private sector, taking bureaucratic handling fees out, then giving it to political constituencies.
To correctly interpret Obama's SOTU, you need only filter everything he says through his foremost pledge that the his administration's charge is the "fundamental transformation of the United States of America."
That is a line Obama lifted from the primary architect of his Socialist platform, Robert Creamer, who had earlier proclaimed, "If Barack Obama is elected president, then we have the opportunity to fundamentally transform American politics and the economy."
It's likely that you've never heard of Bob Creamer, because Barack Obama is very adept at concealing his association with his Marxist patrons.
In his younger days, Obama was not concerned about such associations: "I chose my friends carefully," he wrote. "The more politically active black students; the foreign students; the Chicanos; the Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets."
But when he announced his aspirations to become a U.S. senator in 2004, Obama began to cover his tracks. He stopped associating publicly with Leftist colleagues and mentors such as Jeremiah Wright, Michael Pfleger, William Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi, Bob Creamer and others.
Creamer is a member of Obama's Chicago mob, a fellow "community organizer" and disciple of Saul Alinsky. Like all of Obama's Chicago benefactors, Creamer believes that he is above the law, or, more appropriately, that he is the law in today's age of the rule of men. But like Tony Rezko, another of Obama's slick Chicago political backers, Creamer was caught with his hand in the till and was convicted of a felony (bank fraud) back in 2004 when Obama was a state senator. Creamer got a softball sentence, though: five months in a minimum-security facility for white-collar criminals and another 11 months of house arrest.
With all that time on his hands, Creamer authored a book, "How Progressives Can Win," which, along with Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals," serves as the template for Obama's campaign to "fundamentally transform" America.
Obama didn't use the word "transform" in his SOTU, but he did insist that government must "lay a new foundation for long-term economic growth," under the pretense of "reform," in order to "give our people the government they deserve."
"I campaigned on the promise of change, change we can believe in. I know there are many Americans who aren't sure if they still believe that I can deliver it. I never suggested that change would be easy ... and when you try to do big things and make big changes, it stirs passions and controversy."
And well, it should.
Though Obama's efforts to nationalize the nation's health care sector have been temporarily stalled, he has no intention of giving up, announcing that he is redoubling his efforts to expand central government controls over the private sector under cover of "economic crisis." As White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said, "Never let a good crisis go to waste."
Leading up to his SOTU, Obama endeavored to portray himself as a fiscal conservative: "We can't continue to spend as if deficits don't have consequences, as if waste doesn't matter, as if the hard earned tax dollars of the American people can be treated like monopoly money, that's what we've seen time and time again, Washington has become more concerned about the next election than the next generation."
This is subterfuge.
Obama endeavors to portray himself as a constitutional conservative: "We will lead in the observance of ... the rule of law. ... Don't mock the Constitution. Don't make fun of it. Don't suggest that it's not American to abide by what the Founding Fathers set up. It's worked pretty well for over 200 years."
This is deception.
Obama endeavors to portray himself as a resolute commander in chief. Regarding Operation Iraqi Freedom he decreed, "Let me say this as plainly as I can: By August 31st, 2010, our combat mission in Iraq will end." On Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, he declared, "After 18 months, our troops will begin to come home." On the treatment of captive terrorists, he says, "I will restore America's moral standing." On the Long War with Jihadistan, Obama claims, "The United States is not, and will never be, at war with Islam."
This is farce.
Obama is a dangerous neophyte in matters of national security, and he shows no signs of improving.
If Republicans really want to defeat Obama's Leftist agenda, they need to adopt the tried and true conservative message founded on Essential Liberty. Only then can they truly take control of the debate.
And while Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell's response to Obama's SOTU address was encouraging, the current crop of Republican leaders continues to play by Democrat rules, attempting to sell a dangerous and debilitating elixir: "We don't offend the Constitution as bad as they do."
Bottom line: Republicans must refocus on First Principles and govern accordingly.
Republicans can best distinguish themselves from Democrats by, first and foremost, honoring their sacred oath to "support and defend" our Constitution.
To that end, Obama declared, "If you abide by the law, you should be protected by it."
True, but on the other hand, if you are not going to abide by the law, you should be impeached.
P.S. If you are going to seat two police officers next to your wife in the gallery, the two who brought down the Ft. Hood jihadi terrorist, you might at least acknowledge them.
Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis!
Mark Alexander
Publisher, PatriotPost.US

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Will the Far Right Blow theVictory?

Three hundred and sixty five days since the original faux Hope and Change took office and  Change finally arrives. Unfortunately the excitement of Scott Browns election had not even worn off before the far right began their usual mantra of “he’s just a RINO and will have to be watched.  What a load of hubris!  What a certain way for the Democrats to retain control in November of 2010.  These far righters who believe that who ever is running is not a member of the First Baptist or Last Holy Roller Church is not worthy of election need to stop and understand. It was not the Republican Party nor the conservatives who elected Scott Brown to the Senate. It was the good people of Massachusetts, the independent voter, the voter who put country before politics that elected Scott Brown.

The far right needs to be very aware of this for they do not carry the weight to get a fly elected to a cow pile.  They need and this country needs the Independent voter in order to bring some sanity back into the political system.  Independent voters know the issues and listen to what the candidate is saying rather than looking at what church he attends, who he gives some praise too and to what state he is from.  They need to understand that they do not make up the entire  voting population and all candidates are not from the south nor are they all teetotalers who won’t have sex standing up because they fear someone will think they are dancing.  In other word the far right needs to take a good gulp of shut –up juice and learn to look at the candidate and to listen to what they are saying , not what they think they are saying based on their preconceived notions that if they ain’t “far right” they ain’t one of usuns. 

I took a look at a few blogs this morning such as the American Thinker and first post was a negative one about Scott Brown with probably a dozen negative comments by those who are from the same far right that stayed at home , didn’t vote and helped elect Barrack Obama.  As I perused other blogs I found the same rabid far righters already condemning and warning Brown to do as the far right wants, not what the people who elected him wish.  Too bad these folks can’t learn to think for themselves and see further than the end of their noses. If they could have we would have Mitt Romney as President instead of BHO.  Of course Governor Romney is a RINO in their mind and always will be unworthy of their vote.  Ignorance has to be eternal bliss for the far righters. They prove over and over that they can not a bit more think for themselves than the far lefters can. All they do is listen to what some other blind and deaf righter, usually the one standing in their pulpit, is saying and take it for gospel.  They give an invitation and if a sinner shows at the altar they are convinced that it all for show in order to make a personal gain.  In other words the invitation is for their kind only, not for someone who has seen the error of past ways and mistakes and wishes to make a fresh start.

If the conservative Republicans want to win in November they need to get control of the far righters and let them know that you don’t always get perfection or certainly not the perfection they perceive in their view.  It takes views from all points or else we have just what we have today, a corrupt , power hungry administration, running the country into the ground.  The far righters need to learn to take the best of what others offer, offer their ideas and hope that the best of all the ideas become the platform for victory instead of a battleground for infighting. 

If you are a far righter and I have offended you, GOOD. That is exactly what I intended to do. Get your fingers out of your ears and stop acting like spoiled children and join with Republicans from center to right and Independents who put love of country ahead of politics and mean spirited ideology. 

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Lesson for Obama

My dear friend and fellow blogger  Dr. Mary Johnson , has nailed the reason for the huge win by Scott Brown (R-MA). Dr. Mary sums it up nicely  in her blog title: Obama's First Year: Way Too Much Time Talking And Not Enough Time Listening.

Predictably, in the wake of Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts, President Obama is taking to the airways(with one of his favorite journalist-sycophants, Georgie Porgie Stephanopolous) to explain to the American people what happened. And his patented paternalistic arrogance was stomach churning:  You can read the rest of the story here.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Revolution EditedScott Brown Wins in Massachusetts. Revolution?

Yes and No. Scott Brown’s win in Massachusetts is the beginning of a change in this country, a change in the attitude that the people have developed about the leadership of this country. It is a warning to those who hold the seats of governmental power that “We, the People” are tired of the status quo and the arrogance that emanates from Washington.

Mitt Romney called it “a shot heard around the world.” Perhaps he is correct. It was certainly a shot  heard across this nation and especially on Capitol Hill, and maybe, just maybe, in the White House.  The reaction of Washington will determine if it was heard in a positive fashion that will bring change, or if it was just another blip on the radar of decline.

If Obama and this administration move to the center, as President Clinton did after his wake-up call in 1996, then it will be a sign to the world that the people of the United States are still in control. If not, it will show that the leadership of this country is determined to undermine the will of the people, and the country will be further weakened.

It is doubtful that this President will move toward or attempt to govern from the center given his narcissistic personality. He does not like being told no, and at this point, by coincidence one year to the day since his inauguration, he has shown no real personal success. His attempt to acquire the Olympics failed. His attempted leadership role in Copenhagen failed when he was ignored by China and other countries. His attempt to deal with both Iran and North Korea failed and has been met with nothing but mocking and disdain. He failed his attempt to involve this country in the affairs of tiny Honduras when he was met with contempt and a “mind your own business.” His so-called Stimulus bill has been nothing but a total failure, as evidenced by the lack of growth in jobs or the overall economy. His attempts to deal with Iran and Afghanistan have, to date, been more failure.

Given his personality and his abhorrence of failure, he will have no other choice but to force his issues, regardless of the will of the people. He will show the world that he has no spine for dealing openly and honestly, even with the people of his own country, so how can he possibly be trusted to deal in an open manner with them? They see this as weakness, and he will face even more problems from those who would destroy this nation.

When Obama does attempt to force his agenda upon the American People, and I have no doubt that he will, then we will see a revolt.

The Democrat Party will pull out all stops in order to put down a rebellion before it can turn in to a full-fledged revolution. Harry Reid and a few of his minions fired the first volley, in so many words,  when they made statements concerning delaying the seating of Scott Brown until a vote could be taken on Health Care. That would certainly be the shot that reverberates around the world and back again, for it would bring full-scale revolution, with people taking to the streets to protest even more of the arrogance of Washington.

The people of Massachusetts did indeed speak for the country as a whole in this election. It was not as much dissatisfaction with health care as it was with the attitude displayed in Washington that brought the defeat of Martha Coakley and the Democrat machine. It was a sign to this President that Chicago-style politics will not work in the United States as a whole. It was a warning to him and to those in Congress who have failed to listen to the people that “Yes We Can” is more than a campaign mantra. The people of Massachusetts have shown the country that “Yes We Can” is a rallying cry of “We, the People” that must be taken up daily and directed to those who would run roughshod over us. Enough is enough!

Scott Brown said over and over in his campaign the very words that every Republican and every Independent should be telling those in Congress: It is not your seat; it is the people’s seat that you are occupying, and it is time that you do the will of the people who elected you. In the coming months leading up to the November elections, those words need to be impressed upon the Congress and the Administration and everyone who will be running for a vacant seat. Those are the words of a true revolution and the only way to insure that “We, the People” are heard. Scott Brown and Massachusetts indeed showed the change that is needed if this country is to survive as the land of the free.

In Brown’s acceptance speech last night, he made a statement that sums up what the people in this country are feeling and that should resound in the halls of Congress and especially the White House: “In dealing with terrorists, our tax dollars should pay for weapons to stop them, not lawyers to defend them.” The question is, “Are you listening, Obama?” If not, then prepare yourself for a revolution.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Welcome to a new Blog and new blogger

I wish to take the time  to introduce a new blog and new blogger.  It is not often that I get as excited about a new blogger or a new blog but this is one that I am excited about.

The title of the Blog is : God Expects Perfect? total victory perspective "TVP" (the  new blogger is Randy Hignight

 The blog is taken from the book by the same name and contains messages and training from Author Randy Hignight, of the book God Expects Perfect? Total Victory Perspective TVP learn it, live it, share it!
 Now a simple easy fast to understand methods to serve God.
There you can read more about Randy’s life and his work.  He is an exciting young man in my opinion and I believe that you will feel the same once you have checked out his site.

I met Randy in September of 2008  while in the Dallas VA Hospital, where he works and I was a patient under going surgery for prostate cancer and we had a very wonderful conversation. Randy told me of his work of ten years on the book and I asked him to send me a copy.  He did, and WOW folks it is something else. I read the book in it’s entirety in one sitting (it helps that I am a speed reader but I am believing that you will also have a difficult time putting it down once you get it) and then went back and began to read it over again.

I was so impressed with the book and with Randy that I knew I had to do something to let folks know about what he has written and what he is doing. This is my small contribution to what I hope is a major success not only for Randy but for all those who read his book.
The book will soon be re-released very soon and will be available in both regular book form and e-Book form as well. I encourage you to order the book and begin the new walk shown through the Scriptures and Randy’s book.
I am sure there will be updates as to the availability of the book and when and how to order on Randy’s blog. I will passing along some updates as well.

Also check out his Website at

Monday, January 11, 2010

Why The Celebration For 2010 Is Too Early

Too early to celebrate?  Yep for dang sure. With no leadership either on the Republican side or the conservative side who is going to lead us to the promise land.  Steele is just another affirmative action appointee made by a handful of guilt driven Republicans and others who want to say, "LOOK, we have a man of color leading our party".  BS, and that folks is what is it. Steele couldn't lead a pack of starving wolves to a fresh "jackass" carcass and get them to eat. Gingrich is nothing but a has been interested only in selling his books and lining his pockets.

 Palin, lacks the armor that is needed to stand off the real flack she would get if she were to attempt a disastrous run at the WH. She needs to be in the role of that dang pesky pest that won't go away for the Dems for the next 7 years and then maybe, just maybe she might have a chance. That is not to say that she can not assume a leadership role as time passes this election cycle. Going to Fox News certainly will not help her cause among independents. Maybe a term in the Senate or Congress would help her a bit but until then, don't count on the Palin to pull the magic cord and make the bad go away.  It ain't happening.

The Dems will go among the left leaning Republicans and find some candidate to run as a Dem and the idiots of that district will only see a "moderate" running and vote for the fool as the lesser of two evils.

Conservatives of the extreme right will form a third party and screw the rest of the conservative movement by their actions and thus lead to another long run of disastrous Dems in power which of course leads to Obummer being re-elected if George Soros continues to see that he can use the sock puppet for his purposes, otherwise, Obummer is out and Hillary will be in. Mark it down on the calendar folks.

Bobby Jindel is about as exciting as watching as waiting for a rock to melt in the hot Texas sun.  We all know that ain’t happening either and Jindel will not suddenly become the leader that many had hoped he would be.  He was a total disaster in his single speech appearance during the election period. 

Everyone who keeps up with politics and the Republican party knows that Graham (SC) and Crist (Fla) are chomping at the bits to become the front runner for the WH in 2012 but anyone who knows will know that they are definitely not what any conservative wants in the WH or as leaders. They are not leaders IMHO but
hangers-on who seek to do nothing but further their own agenda and feather their nest. 

 Gov.Rick  Perry(Texas)  can be added to this list unfortunately since he has displayed very little leadership even in his own domain of the Republic of Texas.  He has allowed one of his own party to hold immigration bills hostage and has not used his power to release what the people of this Republic desire so don’t hold your breath on Perry appearing as a leader.

 As far as Kaye Hutchinson goes, well let’s say, the sooner she goes the better. She desires to be Governor because she feels it’s a better step toward the WH than a Senate seat.  She would indeed be a disaster for the Republic of Texas.  She is about as conservative as John McCain who seems to be sticking his nose up in the air smelling to see if he has another chance. Yep, John,  you have about as much chance as that rock is going to melt in Texas anytime soon.  Say good-bye John and retire. You served your country well while in uniform but it’s time for you to move on. You no longer do us any favor sticking around and taking up space.

Mitt Romney albeit not as conservative as some would like is never the less one of the few who could take leadership and actually bring the Party together(and BTW could have beaten Obama) except for the far right who would not vote for him unless he was a full fledged Southern Baptist. Romney has been successful at every job that he has undertaken. He is passionate. He is articulate, savvy and has an eye for recruiting those who are the best at their jobs. Mitt Romney could do wonders for the party. He would be able to provide the GOP’s, get out the vote, 72 hour program with great improvements and he would create a top notch center for Republican organization, communications, fundraising and creative strategy. Romney has been bantered around as one to become the leader of the RNC but becoming the political leader of the party does not help him establish the bipartisan image that a Presidential nominee needs to capture the independent vote. If he did as a good a job for the having been the chairman of the party he rebuilds, could help him get the party’s nomination. I feel that a truly smart RNC chairman would involve Mitt Romney and utilize his expertise but unfortunately the current chairman is not going to do any such thing to assist Romney or anyone else. Doing so would keep Romney free to expand his nonpolitical credentials while still allowing for his Midas touch to assist behind the scenes.

The same group brought about the nomination of McCain by rejecting Romney on the grounds of his Mormon faith yet claim to uphold the Constitution which says there will be no religious litmus test for office then stayed home like spoiled children, listening to their Granpa Dobson and Uncle Tony and the rest of the shallow pulpit thumpers.  The consequences, as I wrote in an early blog prior to the election, would be hell to pay. We got Obama and the far right has no one to blame but themselves.  I have no use for the far right as many can tell. I put them in the same category as I do the far left—trouble makers.  The far right, just like the far left, has no use for anyone who has any ideas other than their own narrow band of ideas and will stoop to any depth to bring about their undoing.  The far right sings the same old song with the same old verse over and over again.  When I was a Southern Baptist(first 28 years of my life) I use to cringe when the Pastor would use Just As I Am as the invitation hymn.  It has five verses for goodness sake and he would sing all five, have the choir sing a verse then have the organist and pianist play a verse and still insist that the congregation sing another verse then the choir hum a verse. In between times he had to drone on with a prayer for those who needed to come to the altar. The only folks moving were those going out the back door and those in the balcony making their way out to go home.

There is room for the far-right in the movement but they need to know when to shut up and stop stirring the pudding before they ruin it for everyone. They are a reason I have doubts about the Tea Party movements of late. It seems that the movment has fragmented into separate groups, each striving for power. The far right wants to move the movement to the right of the frozen chosen while others in the Tea Party movement want to include those who are just plain tired of both parties continually screwing the American people and tearing down the very foundations this country was built on. This group is also tired of those who fail to abide by the Constitution, just as I am, and are open to those who will uphold the Constitution; the far right group is not open to these folks because they don’t hold all of the same narrow views which they do.  Don’t look for a lot of leadership to evolve from the Tea Party movement, unfortunately.

 So who is in charge here?

Sixty-eight percent (68%) of Republican voters say their party has no clear leader, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Another 17% are undecided.
Just five percent (5%) view either John McCain, the GOP's unsuccessful 2008 presidential candidate, or new party chairman Michael Steele as the party's leader. (Rasmussen Reports)

There is mention of a few others within Congress but I don’t see any of them stepping up as real leaders. " Pawlenty has been mentioned a few times along with some rather basically unknowns.

Richard Lugar, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, defended President Barack Obama’s handling of recent terrorism threats, taking issue with former Vice President Dick Cheney’s criticism.

“It’s unfair,” Lugar said in an interview for Bloomberg Television’s “Political Capital with Al Hunt,” airing this weekend. “I think the president is focused.”

Michael Steele certainly is not a leader, he is only out for Steele and what the position for which he was totally unqualified for will bring him. Some of his recent comment show his lack of leadership and his lack of ability to forge any kind of base”: 

 Get with the program," he said. "Some of my prior chairmen who are running their mouths right now, how many farm teams did you build as chairman?" 'I've had enough of it. If you don't want me in the job, fire me. But until then, shut up. Get with the program or get out of the way.

Responding directly to a report Thursday in The Washington Times that some top donors are bypassing the RNC to give to the Republican Governors Association and other party campaign committees and candidates because of discontent with Mr. Steele, the national chairman struck an aggressive tone. "If you don't want me on the job, fire me. But until then, shut up,"

GOP Chairman Michael Steele began the week by candidly telling Sean Hannity that, while Republicans will certainly pick up seats in the House in 2010, they won't win enough to close the Democrats' massive 78-seat advantage. That certainly is not the words one wants to hear from leadership.  A sports coach would be fired if he made such a statement and Steele should be.

This sums up Steele pretty much:

“I do not see how a chairman can do book tours and give speeches for fees that go to him and not the RNC, which needs more money badly,” said Mr. Nicholson, who was President George W. Bush’s secretary of veterans affairs.“You cannot serve two masters in that job,” Mr. Nicholson said. “I think when elected, you agree to give the RNC and its mission 100 percent of your efforts.”

Gingrich said he's a fan of Steele, who is "pretty close to what we need." Gingrich is certainly not the leadership the Party needs either. Anyone who lines up with Gore and Pelosi certainly is not what is needed in leadership.

“I completely understand why many of you would have questions about this, so I want to take this opportunity to explain my reasons. First of all, I want to be clear: I don't think that we have conclusive proof of global warming. And I don't think we have conclusive proof that humans are at the center of it.”Newt Gingrich

But yet he takes part in advertisement with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for The Alliance for Climate Protection, a group founded by former Vice President Al Gore. The ad was nothing more than support for CRAP AND TAX.

So what happens in 2010.  There is no leadership at the moment and waiting until the campaign season commences is too late. The time for leadership to step up  is nowand then I would call it a bit late.  Leadership should have already been banging on the Democrats showing their underhanded ways in handling the Health Care debacle but no one has really spoken up. No one has made enough noise to get the attention of the media and folks the only way to get their attention is to raise a lot of cain, loud and furious. Who cares if you tick off some idiot in Congress, they need to be ticked off and kicked out. Who cares if you tick off Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, they need to be ticked off and should have been kicked to the curb years ago. Race baiters just never seem to go away. They are just not getting as much attention since the biggest race baiter resides in the White House.

Unless the Party gets off it’s dead butt look for failure in 2010 and 2012 and folks by that time the US as we have known it will have ceased to exist.

Celebrate the fact that a bunch of Dems are leaving a sinking ship and that somehow is suppose to give the Republicans a shoo in victory, not by a long shot. I won't celebrate until the election is over and the vacated seats are filled by duly elected candidates.  I won't hold my breath on this happening quickly after the elections given the debacle of  the  Franken disaster in Minn. Acorn can always come up with some "suddenly found ballots" in the back of an abandoned Vega.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Is it Really Fascism? You bet!

In the previous post I listed and wrote of Fascism and how it looks like what this country is experiencing under this administration. Today I want to expand on that same subject and show examples. I am sure that many of you can cite further examples as well. I invite you to do so.

The following statement is embedded in a speech delivered by Mussolini at Naples, October 24, 1912:
WE HAVE created our myth. The myth is a faith, it is passion. It is not necessary that it shall be a reality. It is a reality by the fact that it is a good, a hope, a faith, that it is courage. Our myth is the Nation, our myth is the greatness of the Nation! And to this myth, to this grandeur, that we wish to translate into a complete reality, we subordinate all the rest.
During the election period of 08 we listened to another Myth being formulated of Hope and Change and so far the Hope had turned to despair for many and Change is certainly not what was expected. Of course those who accepted this religion, this faith and fell to worship at the alter of Hope and Change have yet to raise their heads above the alter enough to see the reality of what is happening. The more those in elected office promise the unlearned and blind followers the more the myth will become their reality. The difference is the myth is not the nation but themselves and their leader and yes too that they will and have subordinated the rest.

 Fascists advocate the creation of a single party state with the belief that the majority is unsuited to govern itself through democracy and by reaffirming the benefits of inequality. Fascist governments forbid and suppress openness and opposition to the fascist state and the fascist movement.

Example of such is the attitude of the Democrats in Congrss, Pelosi and Reid who claim “we will do it without the Republicans” "Yes, we wrote the bill. Yes, we won the election," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
"I won. So I think on that one, I trump you."(Obama)

Members of the Democratic congressional party are attempting to silence talk radio by resurrecting the "Fairness Doctrine." Although Democrats would tell you otherwise, the regulation would limit free speech. (Jon Stinton, founder of Air America Radio, The left wing answer to FOX)

Obama appoints left wing Henry Rivera, a longtime radical leftist, lawyer and former FCC commissioner, as Czar for Media. River believes in a doctrine of "communications policy as a civil rights issue".

We can all observe just how open and transparent this administration has been despite the promises to be so during the election period and upon election. Secret deals in the back rooms of Congress on Health Care and failure to include any Republican in the formation of the Health Care bill. That is just a small sample of how this administration is working in the typical Fascist way. I am sure you can add more.

Fascism is a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.
Ahh, sweet Victimhood. The President who claims to be President of all people is by in large the biggest racist of them all. He constantly preaches the message of how the rich (in other words productive individuals) have taken advantage of the poor (in other words the non-productive individuals)
Candidate Obama stated: "How could America send men into space and still keep its black citizens in bondage?"(Dreams from My Father)

Obama also rejected integration as a goal because it is "a one-way street. The minority is assimilated into the dominant culture, not the other way around."(Dreams from My Father)
"The Bush tax cuts — people didn't need them, and they weren't even asking for them, and they ought to be relaxed so we can pay for universal health care and other initiatives." (Obama the candidate)

Fascist movements advocate the creation of an authoritarian, autocratic single-party state led by a charismatic dictator
I don’t believe this needs any explanation. All one has to do is see who the Democrats, George Soros and others put into office. The rest of the plan is clear in the actions taken by this pretender to the office of President has taken since taking office. He has side stepped the Congress, the Constitution at ever opportunity to advance his agenda. Seizure of the auto companies, replacing the heads of auto and banking is certainly not the actions of a President who took the oath to “uphold the Constitution of the US”

Fascist states pursued policies of social indoctrination, through propaganda in education and the media, and through regulation of the production of education and media material. Education was designed to glorify the fascist movement and inform students of its historical and political importance to the nation. It attempted to purge ideas that were not consistent with the beliefs of the fascist movement, and taught students to be obedient to the state.
Closure of the Charter Schools which provide at least a decent education for some of the poorest of black children in Washington DC was just one step this pretender has taken. Why would he wish to withhold a decent education from these children? Because Charter Schools do not teach the “party line” and an uneducated electorate insurers re-election and continued destruction of this country.

Fascists advocated a new national class-based economic system, variously termed "national corporatism", "national socialism" or "national syndicalism". The common aim of all fascist movements was elimination of the autonomy or the existence of large scale capitalism.

I have pointed out how this administration has already begun this takeover albeit without the vote or consulting of Congress.

Fascist governments exercised control over private property but did not nationalize it. They pursued economic policies to strengthen state power and spread ideology, such as consolidating trade unions to be state or party-controlled. They pursued economic policies to strengthen state power and spread ideology, such as consolidating trade unions to be state or party controlled. Private property rights were supported, but were contingent upon service to the state. For example, "an owner of agricultural land may be compelled to raise wheat instead of sheep and employ more labor than he would find profitable. "State intervention in economic production may take place only where private initiative is lacking or is insufficient, or when are at stakes the political interest of the State. This intervention may take the form of control, encouragement or direct management."

If anyone has read either version of the so called Health Care bill one can see that the door for total take over of the system is in place. The illusion that Insurance Companies would somehow be allowed to continue to market insurance is just that. All that has to be said is “it’s not working” so now government must step in.

Fascists declared their opposition to finance capitalism, interest charging and profit taking. Fascist governments nationalized some key industries, managed their currencies and made some massive state investments

Once again all one has to do is look at what has happened in the Banking industry and insurance industry. This administration is dictating how much companies can pay executives and putting limitation on how much can be charge, who loans can be made too and the list can go on. I am sure that you can add more.

The people who supposedly benefited from Italian fascist social policies were members of the middle and lower middle classes, who filled jobs in the vastly expanding government workforce, which grew to about a million in 1930. Health and welfare spending grew dramatically under Italian fascism, with welfare rising from seven percent of the budget in 1930 to 20% in 1940.

The fastest growing segment of the workforce has been in the government while unemployment lingers at over 10%. If truth be known and those who have given up searching for jobs the rate would be closer to 17% or better. But never fear, this administration is going to provide more jobs in the government sector by hiring 1.2 million census workers. Thus they can claim they reduced the unemployment rate by 1.2 million people regardless of the fact that these positions will not be anything more than temporary three to four month jobs. One spokesman for the census bureau said that a lot of these jobs could be made permanent. Just what we need, uneducated bean counters to harass citizens. Can anyone doubt that many of those going “full time” will be ACORN folks.

As far as health spending goes we can see the trend here as well with the Trillion dollar package that this administration insist on cramming down our throats regardless the fact that the majority of the people don’t want and think it is a bad idea.

Folks that is just a small sample of how far this country has fallen in the last 11 months and how we can expect to see the continued disintegration of this free Republic. Later in the week I will be focusing on how the trend MIGHT be reversed or if it actually can given the lack of leadership on the conservative side .

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Doctrine of Fascism

Does any of this sound familiar to you?   I have written previously how the US is beginning to look  like Germany in 1938 but when compared to Fascist Movement of Mussolini from the mid 1920 until the early 1940’s the comparison takes on a whole new perspective.  Combining the two creates a very scary situation, which I believe is now occurring and has occurred over the last year. Take time to read the following and I believe you will be able to see the path that this country is being lead and pushed down.    

The Doctrine of Fascism
                                                       Benito Mussolini

THERE IS no concept of the State which is not fundamentally a concept of life: philosophy or intuition, a system of ideas which develops logically or is gathered up into a vision or into a faith, but which is always, at least virtually, an organic conception of the world.

1. Thus fascism could not be understood in many of its practical manifestations as a party organization, as a system of education, as a discipline, if it were not always looked at in the light of its whole way of conceiving life, a spiritualized way. The world seen through Fascism is not this material world which appears on the surface, in which man is an individual separated from all others and standing by himself, and in which he is governed by a natural law that makes him instinctively live a life of selfish and momentary pleasure. The man of Fascism is an individual who is nation and fatherland, which is a moral law, binding together individuals and the generations into a tradition and a mission, suppressing the instinct for a life enclosed within the brief round of pleasure in order to restore within duty a higher life free from the limits of time and space: a life in which the individual, through the denial of himself, through the sacrifice of his own private interests, through death itself, realizes that completely spiritual existence in which his value as a man lies.
3. Therefore it is a spiritualized conception, itself the result of the general reaction of modem times against the flabby materialistic positivism of the nineteenth century. Anti-positivistic, but positive: not skeptical, nor agnostic, nor pessimistic, nor passively optimistic, as arc, in general, the doctrines (all negative) that put the centric of life outside man, who with his free will can and must create his own world. Fascism desires an active man, one engaged in activity with all his energies: it desires a man virilely conscious of the difficulties that exist in action and ready to face them. It conceives of life as a struggle, considering that it behooves man to conquer for himself that life truly worthy of him, creating first of all in himself the instrument (physical, moral, intellectual) in order to construct it. Thus for the single individual, thus for the nation, thus for humanity. Hence the high value of culture in all its forms (art, religion, science), and the enormous importance of education. Hence also the essential value of work, with which man conquers nature and creates the human world (economic, political, moral, intellectual).
4. This positive conception of life is clearly an ethical conception. It covers the whole of reality, not merely the human activity which controls it. No action can be divorced from moral judgment; there is nothing in the world which can be deprived of the value which belongs to everything in its relation to moral ends. Life, therefore, as conceived by the Fascist, is serious, austere, religious: the whole of it is poised in a world supported by the moral and responsible forces of the spirit. The Fascist disdains the “comfortable” life.
5. Fascism is a religious conception in which man is seen in his immanent relationship with a superior law and with an objective Will that transcends the particular individual and raises him to conscious membership of a spiritual society. Whoever has seen in the religious politics of the Fascist regime nothing but mere opportunism has not understood that Fascism besides being a system of government is also, and above all, a system of thought.
6. Fascism is an historical conception in which man is what he is only in so far as he works with the spiritual process in which he finds himself, in the family or social group, in the nation and in the history in which all nations collaborate. From this follows the great value of tradition, in memories, in language, in customs, in the standards of social life. Outside history man is nothing. consequently Fascism is opposed to all the individualistic abstractions of a materialistic nature like those of the eighteenth century; and it is opposed to all Jacobin utopias and innovations. It does not consider that “happiness” is possible upon earth, as it appeared to be in the desire of the economic literature of the eighteenth century, and hence it rejects all teleological theories according to which mankind would reach a definitive stabilized condition at a certain period in history. This implies putting oneself outside history and life, which is a continual change and coming to be. Politically, Fascism wishes to be a realistic doctrine; practically, it aspires to solve only the problems which arise historically of themselves and that of themselves find or suggest their own solution. To act among men, as to act in the natural world, it is necessary to enter into the process of reality and to master the already operating forces.
7. Against individualism, the Fascist conception is for the State; and it is for the individual in so far as he coincides with the State, which is the conscience and universal will of man in his historical existence. It is opposed to classical Liberalism, [ Please note that the reference here is classic Liberalism which is not the Liberalism of today. It refers more to the Libertarian form of Liberalism rather than the Progressive Liberalism of today] which arose from the necessity of reacting against absolutism, and which brought its historical purpose to an end when the State was transformed into the conscience and will of the people. Liberalism denied the State in the interests of the particular individual; Fascism reaffirms the State as the true reality of the individual. And if liberty is to be the attribute of the real man, and not of that abstract puppet envisaged by individualistic Liberalism, Fascism is for liberty. And for the only liberty which can be a real thing, the liberty of the State and of the individual within the State. Therefore, for the Fascist, everything is in the State, and nothing human or spiritual exists, much less has value,-outside the State. In this sense Fascism is totalitarian, and the Fascist State, the synthesis and unity of all values, interprets, develops and gives strength to the whole life of the people.
8. Outside the State there can be neither individuals nor groups (political parties, associations, syndicates, classes). Therefore Fascism is opposed to Socialism, which confines the movement of history within the class struggle and ignores the unity of classes established in one economic and moral reality in the State; . . .
9. Individuals form classes according to the similarity of their interests, they form syndicates according to differentiated economic activities within these interests; but they form first, and above all, the State, which is not to be thought of numerically as the sum-total of individuals forming the majority of a nation. And consequently Fascism is opposed to Democracy, which equates the nation to the majority, lowering it to the level of that majority; nevertheless it is the purest form of democracy if the nation is conceived, as it should be, qualitatively and not quantitatively, as the most powerful idea (most powerful because most moral, most coherent, most true) which acts within the nation as the conscience and the will of a few, even of One, which ideal tends to become active within the conscience and the will of all — that is to say, of all those who rightly constitute a nation by reason of nature, history or race, and have set out upon the same line of development and spiritual formation as one conscience and one sole will. Not a race, nor a geographically determined region, but as a community historically perpetuating itself a multitude unified by a single idea, which is the will to existence and to power: consciousness of itself, personality.
10. This higher personality is truly the nation in so far as it is the State. It is not the nation that generates the State, as according to the old naturalistic concept which served as the basis of the political theories of the national States of the nineteenth century. Rather the nation is created by the State, which gives to the people, conscious of its own moral unity, a will and therefore an effective existence. The right of a nation to independence derives not from a literary and ideal consciousness of its own being, still less from a more or less unconscious and inert acceptance of a de facto situation, but from an active consciousness, from a political will in action and ready to demonstrate its own rights: that is to say, from a state already coming into being. The State, in fact, as the universal ethical will, is the creator of right.
1 l. The nation as the State is an ethical reality which exists and lives in so far as it develops. To arrest its development is to kill it. Therefore the State is not only the authority which governs and gives the form of laws and the value of spiritual life to the wills of individuals, but it is also a power that makes its will felt abroad, making it known and respected, in other words demonstrating the fact of its universality in all the necessary directions of its development. It is consequently organization and expansion, at least virtually. Thus it can be likened to the human will which knows no limits to its development and realizes itself in testing its own limitlessness.
12. The Fascist State, the highest and most powerful form of personality, is a force, but a spiritual force, which takes over all the forms of the moral and intellectual life of man. It cannot therefore confine itself simply to the functions of order and supervision as Liberalism desired. It is not simply a mechanism which limits the sphere of the supposed liberties of the individual. It is the form, the inner standard and the discipline of the whole person; it saturates the will as well as the intelligence. Its principle, the central inspiration of the human personality living in the civil community, pierces into the depths and makes its home in the heart of the man of action as well as of the thinker, of the artist as well as of the scientist: it is the soul of the soul.
13. Fascism, in short, is not only the giver of laws and the founder of institutions, but the educator and promoter of spiritual life. It wants to remake, not the forms of human life, but its content, man, character, faith. And to this end it requires discipline and authority that can enter into the spirits of men and there govern unopposed. Its sign, therefore, is the Lictors’ rods, the symbol of unity, of strength and justice.

The following statement is embedded in a speech delivered by Mussolini at Naples, October 24, 1912:

WE HAVE created our myth. The myth is a faith, it is passion. It is not necessary that it shall be a reality. It is a reality by the fact that it is a good, a hope, a faith, that it is courage. Our myth is the Nation, our myth is the greatness of the Nation! And to this myth, to this grandeur, that we wish to translate into a complete reality, we subordinate all the rest.

 The following is added as a further explanation of Fascism and as a further  explanation of what is occurring in this country today.

Fascists advocate the creation of a single party state with the belief that the majority is unsuited to govern itself through democracy and by reaffirming the benefits of inequality. Fascist governments forbid and suppress openness and opposition to the fascist state and the fascist movement.

Fascism is a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.

Fascist movements advocate the creation of an authoritarian, autocratic single-party state led by a charismatic dictator

Fascist states pursued policies of social indoctrination, through propaganda in education and the media, and through regulation of the production of education and media material. Education was designed to glorify the fascist movement and inform students of its historical and political importance to the nation. It attempted to purge ideas that were not consistent with the beliefs of the fascist movement, and taught students to be obedient to the state.

Fascists advocated a new national class-based economic system, variously termed "national corporatism", "national socialism" or "national syndicalism". The common aim of all fascist movements was elimination of the autonomy or the existence of large-scale capitalism.

Fascist governments exercised control over private property but did not nationalize it. They pursued economic policies to strengthen state power and spread ideology, such as consolidating trade unions to be state or party-controlled. They pursued economic policies to strengthen state power and spread ideology, such as consolidating trade unions to be state or party controlled. Private property rights were supported, but were contingent upon service to the state. For example, "an owner of agricultural land may be compelled to raise wheat instead of sheep and employ more labor than he would find profitable. "State intervention in economic production may take place only where private initiative is lacking or is insufficient, or when are at stakes the political interest of the State. This intervention may take the form of control, encouragement or direct management."

Fascists declared their opposition to finance capitalism, interest charging and profit taking. Fascist governments nationalized some key industries, managed their currencies and made some massive state investments

The people who supposedly benefited from Italian fascist social policies were members of the middle and lower middle classes, who filled jobs in the vastly expanding government workforce, which grew to about a million in 1930. Health and welfare spending grew dramatically under Italian fascism, with welfare rising from seven percent of the budget in 1930 to 20% in 1940.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Health Care Crisis or Culture Crisis

I received this in an e-mail sometime earlier today. It sums up the situation on health care in a very few short sentences. Perhaps a few folks in Washington need to start looking at things in the same light rather than how many votes they can buy.

Friends & Associates,

Please meet Dr Starner Jones from Jackson , Mississippi .

His short 2-paragraph letter to the White House accurately puts the blame on a "Culture Crisis" instead of a "Health Care Crisis". It's worth a quick read:

I am a seventh generation Mississippian and wanted to come back here after going somewhere else for college and medical school. My extracurricular interests are golf, hunting, fishing and college football.

Dear Sirs:

"During my last night's shift in the ER, I had the pleasure of evaluating a patient with an expensive shiny gold tooth, multiple elaborate expensive tattoos, a very expensive brand of tennis shoes and a new cellular telephone equipped with her favorite R&B tune for a ringtone. Glancing over the chart, one could not help noticing her payer status: Medicaid. She smokes more than one costly pack of cigarettes every day and, somehow, still has money to buy beer.

And our Congress expects me to pay for this woman's health care? Our nation's health care crisis is not a shortage of quality hospitals, doctors or nurses. It is a crisis of culture - a culture in which it is perfectly acceptable to spend money on vices while refusing to take care of one's self or, heaven forbid, purchase health insurance. A culture that thinks "I can do whatever I want because someone else will always take care of me." Life is really not that hard. Most of us reap what we sow. Don't you agree?

Jackson, MS

Friday, January 1, 2010

2009, It's About Gone

If this looks a bit familiar it should because it is very similar to the post I wrote last year with the exception of a few changes here and there, such as the dates and some of the things that I predicted would happen that actually happened.  No, that doesn’t make me a Nostradamus or a prophet of any sort.  It just makes me someone who happened to be paying attention.

Last year I wrote about a couple of foolish folks who were going to do some rather stupid things such as jump a truck over a sand pile and another who risk becoming a scrambled brain omelet on the side of a building by jumping a motorcycle to the top of a building.  They both made it since there was no notice of anyone dying needlessly just to achieve a few seconds of fame and I also see that the poor misguided person who drove the truck over the sand pile is now part of the “team” of reporters who will report of another young misguided individual who plans on driving a car up a ramp and jumping it over some kind of body of water to another ramp and barge anchored a daring distance away.  At least he will only risk getting wet if he fails or at worst drowning if he fails and can’t get out of the car. Of course hopefully there are divers ready to rescue him should that occur. 

Just as last year, I have no desire to watch some one drop the ball from Times Square in New York since I have spent the last year watching a bunch of folks drop the ball over and over again in Washington DC.  It certainly has not created any excitement for me to watch these folks drop the ball and attempt to pick it up again and explain just why it ain’t bouncing they way they predicted it would.  I am afraid they are going to continue having difficulty explaining why things are not all well as they predicted. Of course I expect to hear the same story I heard last year and the year before, it was someone else’s fault.  No folks, this time you dropped the ball and no one else is to blame and you still haven’t figured out how to pick up the ball and start over again.  You are just going to continue dropping the ball over and over, it seems until it is busted, flat busted.  Sure nothing exciting about watching “the ball get dropped”.  I am sure that I watched that occurrence in Times Square for at least fifty years but for the life of me I still can’t figure out what was so exciting about it. 

I heard a few fireworks going off in early celebration just a few minutes ago and went to the door to see where they might be coming from and all I got was a surprise of seeing more snow. Yep, folks, it snowed again tonight in North Texas and may snow a bit more since the temperature is only 34 degrees and is expected to drop. It has not cleared as forecast so that we could see what was mistakenly called the “Blue Moon”.   I wonder how the Left Reverend Al and all his converts are feeling about this “global warming”, errr, excuse me, it’s climate change, since global warming doesn’t seem to be occurring but just the same all this cold and snow here in Texas and the rest of the country is being blamed on this fiasco.  I believe Al attempted to blame Bush for the snow just the other day but I still haven’t figured out how Bush managed to make it snow when they claimed he couldn’t do anything else right. Besides, being from Texas, he doesn’t like snow any more than I do, or at least I figure he doesn’t.  I haven’t met too awful many folks here in this neck of the woods who do like snow but we don’t usually complain much about it since it is all melted before noon the following day.

I wrote last year about the local water department needing to move into into the 21st century and making it so I can pay my water bill on line. They haven’t managed to do that so I will once again have to remember to change the date on the one lone check I write each month. It took me about three months to remember to write 2009 last year. Hopefully I can do better this year, 2010.  Perhaps that should be a New Year’s Resolution for me but then I don’t make those useless things either since I can’t remember ever keeping any of them and don’t know a lot of folks who get around to doing what they so fervently swore to do as the ball was dropping in Times Square.  Opinion wise and from observation most of the folks who made those resolutions didn’t remember where they were much less what they pledged to do on New Years Eve.  About all many of those folks will remember is that on January 1 they had one heck of a headache and a few of them will remember hugging “john” for a better part of the night.  From what I have been told “john” is a very cold and unyielding “lover”.

I do happen to have about three quarters of a bottle of “Wassail” which I opened Christmas Eve and the three of us, the wife , our son and myself, shared about two ounces each of this warm, spicy wine. According to the book which came with the bottle that we purchased two years ago at a winery in Fredericksburg, Texas  the sharing of a small cup of this wine is a tradition from the Old Country during the celebration of Christmas.  I re-corked the remainder and carefully placed it back into the refrigerator until next year.  It had a pleasing flavor but none of us really cared enough for it to have more than the one small cup and the wife and I will not be opening it tonight in order to celebrate the New Year . Our celebration will be because we are alive and able to enjoy each others company for another wonderful day.  Of course that is not exactly a new thing with us since that is something we do each and every day.  We can say with certainty that we have been truly blessed this past year despite some illness at our house and the death of some very good friends.  I don’t reckon one could ask for much more than the blessings that have been poured out on us this past year. I bet if you look back you will find that to be true in your life as well and the blessings have far outnumbered the lesser times.

Folks, that is about all that is happening here in Corinth, Texas at 11:53 PM on this New Year’s Eve, 2009.   We will both take the opportunity to wish each of you,  the regular readers of the blog , the friends which we have known for years or those of you who just happened to drop by and read this post, a very Happy and Blessed New Year.