Saturday, April 12, 2008

"I didn't say it as well as I should have”

Well pray tell just how more insulting could you be in claiming that working class voters (meaning honest working white folks) cling to “guns and religion” in hard times? Trying to worm out of what was said and make it sound better is just another Obama slip that shows just exactly were he stand and how he feels about the common folks in this country. Had John McCain said this the LSM, the NAACP and Obama would have been all over him as a racist dog. Obama attempts to hid his racism but of late his true colors have been showing. His contempt toward working class America is more evident as the campaign moves along . The closer he gets to the nomination being assured the more statements such as this will come out. He can not hide his arrogance and aloofness.

Trying to explain away his arrogance and contempt he rephrased his comments for the press but his true feelings had already been exposed while addressing the elite in San Francisco. To the press he said , I meant to say, "So I said, well you know, when you're bitter you turn to what you can count on. So people, they vote about guns, or they take comfort from their faith and their family and their community. And they get mad about illegal immigrants who are coming over to this country or they get frustrated about you know how things are changing." But that ain’t what he said!

To the elitist on Millionaire Row in SF he actually said: "It's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

His failure to condemn his racist Pastor , his failure to remove himself from the connection with others such as Farrakhan , his changing stories about just who or what his grandfather in Africa was, his connection to Rezko, his connection to terrorist in South America and now this, all adds up to just more and more of just what and who Obama is. The picture is getting uglier each day.

The Obamazombies will not see this however and will excuse him as just “mis-speaking” or being “mis-understood” when in truth they are just blinded by a slick talking empty suited racist who if elected would turn on them like a cornered rat. It’s wake up time and the alarm clock has been going off for several months now but the Obamazombies just keep hitting the snooze button and going back to “dream land” where all is made right and change is flowing in fuzzy feel good waves over their slumbering brains.

"Lately there has been a little typical sort of political flare up because I said something that everybody knows is true, which is that there are a whole bunch of folks in small towns in Pennsylvania, in towns right here in Indiana, in my hometown in Illinois who are bitter," Obama said Saturday morning at Ball State University. "They are angry.

Yep, Obama, for once you are telling the truth , at least in this light. You have made one heck of a lot of folks angry! You are going to have a hard time explaining your way out of this “little typical sort of political flare up”. You may be able to fool the San Francisco elitist and your Obamazombies but you can’t hide your arrogance from a whole bunch of folks, not just in Pennsylvania, Indiana , Illinois but across the whole of the USA.


Bob Grenier said...

"The Obamazombies will not see this however and will excuse him as just “mis-speaking” or being “mis-understood” when in truth they are just blinded by a slick talking empty suited racist who if elected would turn on them like a cornered rat. It’s wake up time and the alarm clock has been going off for several months now but the Obamazombies just keep hitting the snooze button and going back to “dream land” where all is made right and change is flowing in fuzzy feel good waves over their slumbering brains."

As we see at our favorite North Carolina blowhard's blog.

Ticker said...

Bubba, you are right on!

Wow the Obamazombies are crawling out of the woodwork like fleas in a fire trying to excuse Sen. "Elite" Obama .
I noticed Roch was chiming in with his usual non-arguments. For someone who teaches debate he sure doesn't practice what he teaches or else he is as sorry a teacher as he is a responder on these post. He has yet to offer anything of substance on anything I have ever read. Back him in a corner and he hurls insults. I wonder if that is what he teaches his students?